Diamond Long Distance Crypto Membership

This membership is designed for crypto millionaires who wish to be part of The Continental but reside abroad. We have crafted this program exclusively for[…]

Platinum Membership

To join and become a platinum member, you are required to pay an initiation fee of $300,000 and an annual fee of $30,000. Membership Requirements:[…]

Gold Membership

To become a gold member you have paying an initiation fee of $100,000 and an annual fee of $15,000. Membership Requirements: Recommendations: You must be recommended[…]

The Cocoa Exchange

The Security Token Offering 1 Wall Street Court (also known as the Beaver Building and the Cocoa Exchange) is a residential building in the Financial Districtof Manhattan in New York City, United States.[…]

The Continental – John Wick

Comes true.. **Cocoa Exchange Building Announces Security Token Offering (STO)** ** The Continental John Wick – The iconic Cocoa Exchange Building build in 1904 is[…]